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26 characters
5k resolution
PSD, PNG, WEBP + Figma
About the theme
Looks like someone spilled more than just paint – this stuff practically screams “don’t ask questions”. Perfect for when your design needs a splash of mystery, or maybe just a hint of something sinister. Just don’t look too closely… could be paint, could be something a little more… alive. But hey, no need to worry. Probably just your average, everyday “Scary Paint.”
Looks like someone spilled more than just paint – this stuff practically screams “don’t ask questions”. Perfect for when your design needs a splash of mystery, or maybe just a hint of something sinister. Just don’t look too closely… could be paint, could be something a little more… alive. But hey, no need to worry. Probably just your average, everyday “Scary Paint.”
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It’s about time
Ready to make your design pop?
It’s about time
Ready to make your design pop?
It’s about time